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Corporate Annual Dinner

Corporate annual dinner is a critical function,and a stylish, inventive and well-organized dinner can not only have a positive effect on your brand image, but also make a huge difference to corporate morale and customer/business partner confidence. Marvelous rundown and performance makes participants enjoying fully in annual event and increase corporate image.

However creating a magnificent corporate event like annual dinners in house can take time and may often be a real burden to busy staff with extra event planning and organizing tasks on hand.

Bling Holdings, as an event organizer and planner, can help you deliver an annual dinner to be proud of by offering the following event management services:

  • Technical support such as professional stage lighting and sound systems, video displays, backdrops and other supporting material
  • Guest arrangement, MCs and entertainment shows
  • Catering arrangements
  • Guest reception
  • Planning and arrangement of ceremonies
  • Script writing and event organization
  • Videos and photography of the evening for follow up to staff, clients and other attendees